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Personal Photos

Here are some personal photos of Van's life. One of my favorites is the one where he is dressed like Norman Bates in Psycho. When we went to Universal Studios in August 1999, Van was "volunteered" to star in the show. There are a couple from that trip, one of him hamming it up pointing to the star's chair and one in "drag" with the stunt double.

The one at the top, although grainy, is a picture of him doing a demonstration at the Ellis County Art Association in November 1999. The picture he was working on in the photo was supposed to go over the fireplace but it was never completed.

Ellis Country Art Association Demonstration

Universal Studios Florida- August 1999

Just before his stage debut as Norman Bates......
............................................................What a star!!!!
Van in Denver while in Art School....I think he's feeling good
Here we are getting ready to go on a gambling cruise in the Gulf of Mexico